A Call to Prayer...
When the fullness of time arrived, God has chosen Mary through whom He could send his son into this World. "Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son", said the Angel Gabriel to Mary, "and you shall call him Jesus." (Luke1:31).
She was the first priest to bring Jesus into this world. Mary was the first apostle to show who Jesus was, by making him perform his first miracle:- changing water into wine at Cana in Galilee. "This was Jesus' first sign. He manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in him (Rn 2:11).
Finally, Mary was given to us by Jesus as a mother at the foot of the Cross'.
Mary endowed with such exceptional gifts, excelled in holiness and power over any other creature in heaven, on earth and in hell. After her Assumption into heaven, she remained God's main messenger to the world. Through Mary, God speaks to the Church and to all of us so that we bring the "Good News" to humanity wherever we are'
This is what prompted us to build this communication channel, so that under Her guidance, it brings to whoever has the blessing to open it, the unity we share among Ethnic Groups and God's Good News from this Marian Hill, dedicated to "OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE FAMILY"
Design David Delvalle • Development Steven Sunny