
"Each of us has a special memory of one or more places in the world- places where important events happened in our lives, or places which are beautiful or important for the historical events which occurred there.
We return there often either in memory or by actually going back there...
But not everyone can follow where his or her heart leads.
Today, in this new shrine built as far away from Jerusalem as we can be, we are continuing to build on that wonderful legacy which is ours as Australian Catholics…" - - His Lordship Msgr George Pell, Archbishop of Melbourne ( Saturday 28th February 1998)

Way of the Cross and The Rosary Way

Both the Way of Cross and the Rosary Way start in front of the statue of Madonna. The First Station namely 'The Last supper' is strategically placed in front of the altar, built from a large piece of granite at the foot of the impressive statue of Our Lady. The introductory prayers, the Apostle's Creed are said at the same altar during processions along the Rosary way.

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From Humble Beginnings

The history of Ta' Pinu Shrine Australia
In 1993, His Lordship Nicholas J Cauchi, Bishop of Gozo-Malta made a request to Most Rev. Dr. Francis T Little KBE Archbishop of Melbourne for the opening of this Marian Centre on the hills of Bacchus dedicated to Our Lady Ta’ Pinu in the Diocese of Melbourne. Upon approval, Bishop Nicholas Cauchi provided a loan for the purchase of the needed land where the first Mass was celebrated on 23 March 1993.

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The Majestic Cross and Our Lady’s Statue

‘I have no doubt that there is a big future for this shrine and that one day, with Almighty God’s blessings, the protection of Our Lady, through the dedication of future directors, together with prayer and good will, it will be an oasis of spiritual as well as material graces - Fundamentally, to become the spiritual pride of the Archdiocese of Melbourne.’ - Msgr Benedict Camilleri, Director of the Shrine

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Ethnic Groups at The Shrine

‘To show that this place in Bacchus Marsh belongs to everyone and is not restricted to some special ethnic group, we also call the place "All Nations Marian Centre", Mgr Benedict said, emphasising the ‘All Nations’ aspect of the shrine. It features 12 oratories erected by different ethnic communities in Melbourne and dedicated to Our Lady’s many different titles. The communities that have a presence at the shrine include the Maltese, Italian, Filipino, Hispanic, Sri Lankan, Indian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Vietnamese, Polish and Indonesian. Representing Australia is the oratory dedicated to Our Lady Help of Christians.
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