What a consolation, what sweetness, what confidence fills my soul when I utter Your Sacred Name or even only think of you! I thank the Lord for having given You so sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name!!!
The devotions of the Filipino community to Our Lady of Perpetual Help inspired the construction of the
fourth chapel dedicated to The Mother and child at the All Nations Marian Centre. Construction began in July 2006 and it was officially blessed by Fr Roylyn Vics together with Filipino priests from Melbourne and Sydney on Saturday 9th December 2006. This was followed by the enthronement of both the icon of The Mother of Perpetual Help and the Santo Nino (infant Jesus). The names of the benefactors together with the original design and plans and photos of various stages of the construction were placed in a time capsule and lies behind the altar.
The construction of this oratory became a symbol of the unity of the community who rallied behind the Pastoral Council of Melbourne. Presently,the office of the Filipino Catholic Chaplaincy led by Msgr Joselito Asis is looking after all the activities at Marian Centre