Station 13

Jesus is laid in the tomb

openingWe adore You O Christ and we praise You (Genuflex)

R: Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world

A reading from the holy Gospel according to John : (19:39-43).

Nicodemus,  who  had  at  first  come  to  Jesus  at  night,  also  came,  bringing a mixture of  myrrh  and  aloes, weighing  about  a  hundred  pounds.   They  took  the body  of Jesus  and  wrapped  it  with  the  spices  in  linen  cloths,  according to  the burial  custom  of the Jews.  Now  there was  a garden  in the place  where  he  was crucified,  and  in  the  garden  there  was  a  new  tomb  in  which  no  one  had  ever been  laid.   And  so, because  it was  the  Jews  day  of  Preparation , and  the  tomb was nearby , they  laid Jesus there.


The new tomb where Jesus was buried must remind us that if  we want  to receive Jesus in our heart, first we must deplore all our past offences and renew it with the teaching of the Church, learn how  to  resist  our  temptations and adorn it with good actions  according  to his will. lt must  remind  us how petty the world is, how immense is heaven, how short is time, how  long is eternity, how dread is God’s judgement and how dear is our salvation .

Silence…..Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

Let us pray

Clean  my  heart,  Oh  Jesus,  from  the  yeast  of  hypocrisy  and  contamination  of my  past  life  to  make  space for You ; wash my guilt  away  entirely,  banish  my evil thoughts,  revive  my better  impulses, that I may  perform  works  pleasing  to you, for my own good, and for the glory of your name.  Amen.

  •  O my Jesus,  forgive us our sins, preserve  us  from the  fire of Hell, lead all  souls to Heaven,  especially those in need of Thy mercy.
  •  My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and l love You.  I beg pardon for those who do not Believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love youclosing
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