
Newsletter April 2016

We should recall that scene on Calvary as Christ was dying. It was as Our Lord lay dying on the Cross that the Church was coming into existence. It was the moment when we were being redeemed. As Our Lady was standing there by the Cross, suffering with Our Lord, it was as though she were going through the birth pangs of bringing new life into being.

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Newsletter March 2016

“Being and Becoming a Pilgrim”- An adaptation of the article written by Fr Dominic Sultana from ‘Madonna Ta’ Pinu’ periodical . A Pilgrimage is a journey, a search, with a moral or spiritual meaning. Typically, it is “a journey to a shrine” or other locations dear to a person’s beliefs and faith.

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Newsletter February 2016

“Pilgrims who go to the Shrines is one of the most eloquent expressions of the faith of God's people, and manifest piety of generations of people, who simply have believed and have entrusted themselves to the intercession of the Virgin Mary and the saints”... Pope Francis said

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Newsletter January 2016

...The two truths which stand out like mountain peaks in the chain of revelation concerning Our Blessed Lady, are her divine maternity and her fullness of grace, both of which are affirmed in the Gospels and in the Councils of the Church.

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Newsletter December 2015

During Advent, the Roman liturgy celebrates the plan of salvation by which the merciful God called the patriarchs, united them to himself in a covenant of love, established the Law through Moses, raised up the prophets, and chose David as the one from whose line the Savior of the world was to be born.

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Newsletter November 2015

He is “KING OF HEARTS”, by reason of His "charity which exceeds all knowledge." His mercy and kindness draws all men to him, for never has it been known, nor will it ever be, that man be loved so much and so universally as Jesus Christ.

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