On the 22nd June, Karmini Grima, a forty-five year old spinster and a great devotee
Of the Blessed Virgin, heard a voice while passing by the chapel on her return home from the fields which surround the chapel. “Come, Come,” she heard a Whorfian’s voice say. She was confused, and frightened, and began to run away from the place.
The voice called again, “Come, because it will be another year before you will be able to refurn.” After the second call Karmela realised that the voice was coming from within the chapel. She went inside and began to say her usual prayers. The voice spoke a third time: “Recite three Hail Marys in honour of the three days my body remained in the tomb”
Karmela did as the voice asked, and went on her way. Shortly afterwards, Karmela fell ill and remained confined to her bed for more than a year. The voice was proved right.
Karmela never spoke of the events of June 22 to any one at all.
Two years later Karmela revealed her secret to her friend, Francesco Portelli”

He, in tum told her that at about the same time he had also heard a woman’s voice ask him to say prayers in honour of the Hidden Wound of Christ which he received whilst carrying the Cross.
Shortly after this conversation, Francesco’s mother was miraculously healed by the intercession of the Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu. The Lonely chapel became a place of pilgrimage for many people on the island and beyond.
Bishop Pietru Pace was informed about these events, and asked to speak to Karmela and Franciscu. He questioned them closely on several occasions, and after further inquiries, he concluded that the voice was of heavenly origins, and that the messages really were from the Blessed Virgin.

Devotion to Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu grew rapidly, and numerous pilgrims flocked to the chapel . Just like in every principal Marian shrine in the Catholic world, the Santuary of Our Lady Ta’Pinu became a great attraction for thousands of pilgrims. this customs has continued over the years to this very day and over the years it has also developed into a centre of pilgrimages. Among the most significant one are the devotions imploring the intercession of the Blessed Virgin for God’s protection against the spreading of the menace of cholera,the regular pilgrimages organised by the Sisters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul.as thanksgiving for keeping them safe from the risk of contagious diseases, the annual pilgrimage of the Seminary boarders,and also the pilgrimages for obtaining Mary’s protection against the ravages of World War II and to this date the most popular period of pilgrimage is during lent when most of the Gozitan and also some Maltese parishes would come to the Shrine,
In conjunction with the festivities of the centenary anniversary of Our Lady’s call to Kamela Grima, the 9th International Mariological and 16th Marian Congress was held at Ta’Pinu Sanctuary with the theme: De cultu mariano saeculis XVII-XVIII. With the motto Mater Reconciliationis”
In his letter dated 26th August 1983 , addressed to H. E Bishop Joseph Mercieca of malta and H. E Bishop of Gozo, Nicholas Cauchi, Pope John Paul II sent an emotional greeting to the ‘Sons and daughters of the Maltese Nation to whom he refered ‘as one of the most ancient Christian nations, which has always borne witness to its acceptance of the Gospel of Christ and to its devotion to Mary.’ he continues his letter stating:
“...I express great appreciation and heartfelt gratitude for the effective contribution to the success of such important ecclesiastic events which honour Mary and are directed to the glory of the Most Blessed Trinity and to the salvation of souls.
From the beginning of Christianity, from the time when the Apostle to the Gentiles announced to your forefathers how “God sent forth his Son born of a woman” (Gal. 4, 4), the figure of the Mother of the Son of God has assumed in the consciousness of the Christian people ever clearer features of a mother and protectress for them, an example and model for every disciple of Christ. In Malta, too, just as in other parts of the world, the Virgin Mary has been constantly proclaimed as the highest realization of the Gospel. Marian piety has developed among your people as witnessed to by the Marian liturgical feasts, which are so enthusiastically celebrated, by the majestic churches dedicated to Our Lady, by sanctuaries and chapels where her sacred images are venerated and before which still today the faithful come to pray, adorning them with votive offerings as signs of gratitude. So it is that this Marian piety, among you too, became “an intrinsic element of Christian worship” (PAULI VI Marialis Cultus, 56), especially in your most famous Marian sanctuary of Ta’ Pinu where, according to the tradition, the Virgin Mother of God appeared a hundred years ago to a young girl, Carmela Grima…”
You may wish to read the full content by visiting the Holy See link : http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/letters/1983/documents/hf_jp-ii_let_19830826_mercieca-cauchi_en.html