THE GREAT NOVENA to the Immaculate Conception



The Daily prayer for this novena has been written by Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Divine Worship 
Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Queen of Angels and Saints,
Mediatrix of all graces,
We find refuge and protection in your Immaculate Heart,
Because You are our mother.
Grant we beseech you that, as you have promised to the three shepherds children at Fatima,
We may be able to offer our lives every day for the salvation of sinners.
May your maternal love touch the hearts who have been hardened by sin,
so that all men, saved by the Blood of your Son on the cross,

may find the way to love, penance and reconciliation with God and with their neighbours.
Then we will be able to sing together and with one heart the triumph of your maternal mercy. AMEN.

Let us recite ONE DECADE of the Rosary

keeping in our prayers those who have specially asked us to remember them.
“… We trust Most Blessed Mother to your gentle care and intercession,

________________________________(mention your special intention)

and all those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. 
After the decade follow by three invocations
“O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to you”

Day One : Implore for the gift of the Holy Spirit on the world with the Immaculate Virgin Mary.

At the beginning of this novena, I ask you for the grace to pray like you: insistently and without embarrassment, as Christ has asked us to do.

The Holy Spirit, as Jesus promises, guides us “to the whole truth” (Jn 16:13); He guides us not only to the encounter with Jesus, the fullness of the Truth, but he also guides us “inside” the Truth, that is to say it makes us enter into an ever deeper communion with Jesus, giving us the understanding of the things of God. And that we can not reach with our strengths. If God does not enlighten us inwardly, our Christian being will be superficial.
Let us try to ask ourselves: Am I open to the action of the Holy Spirit, can I pray to him to give me light, to make me more sensitive to the things of God? It is a prayer that we make every day:
“Holy Spirit,
let my heart be opened to the Word of God,
let my heart be opened to good,
let my heart be opened to the beauty of God every day” .
I would like to ask everyone a question: how many of you do you pray to the Holy Spirit every day? They will be a small number, but we must satisfy this desire of Jesus and pray daily for the Holy Spirit to open our hearts to Jesus.
Let us think of Mary, who “carefully kept all these things, meditating them in her heart” (Lk 2: 19.51). The reception of the words and truths of faith so that they become life, is realized and grows under the action of the Holy Spirit. In this sense, one must learn from Mary, relive her “YES”, her total readiness to receive the Son of God in her life, which from that moment has been transformed. Through the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son come to dwell among us: we live in God and of God. But is our life truly animated by God? How many things do I place before God?
Pope Francis, May 15, 2013

Day TWO : Mercy to the World.

Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Queen of Angels and Saints,
Mediatrix of all graces,
We find refuge and protection in your Immaculate Heart,
Because You are our mother.
Grant we beseech you that, as you have promised to the three shepherds children at Fatima,
We may be able to offer our lives every day for the salvation of sinners.
May your maternal love touch the hearts who have been hardened by sin,
so that all men, saved by the Blood of your Son on the cross,

may find the way to love, penance and reconciliation with God and with their neighbours.
Then we will be able to sing together and with one heart the triumph of your maternal mercy. AMEN.

Let us recite ONE DECADE of the Rosary

keeping in our prayers those who have specially asked us to remember them.
“… We trust Most Blessed Mother to your gentle care and intercession,

________________________________(mention your special intention)

and all those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. 
After the decade follow by three invocations
“O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to you”


Virgin Immaculate, on this second day, I ask you the grace to come closer to the source of the fire of the Holy Spirit which burns in the heart of Christ for the glory of the Father and the salvation of souls.

United with Jesus, let us seek what he seeks, love what he loves.
In the end, it is the glory of the Father that we seek, we live and act “in praise of his grace” (Eph 1: 6).
If we want to give ourselves thoroughly and consistently, we must go far beyond any other motivation. It is the definitive motive, the deepest, the greatest, the reason and the ultimate meaning of all the rest.
It is the glory of the Father that Jesus sought throughout his life. He is the eternally joyous Son with all his being “turned to the bosom of the Father” (Jn 1:18).
If we are missionaries, it is above all because Jesus told us: “It is the glory of my Father that you bear much fruit” (Jn 15, 8).
Beyond the fact that it suits us or not, interests us or not, we are useful or not, beyond the small limits of our desires, our understanding and our motivations, we evangelize for the greater glory of the Father who loves us
Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel 267.



Day THREE : Mercy to the World.

Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Queen of Angels and Saints,
Mediatrix of all graces,
We find refuge and protection in your Immaculate Heart,
Because You are our mother.
Grant we beseech you that, as you have promised to the three shepherds children at Fatima,
We may be able to offer our lives every day for the salvation of sinners.
May your maternal love touch the hearts who have been hardened by sin,
so that all men, saved by the Blood of your Son on the cross,

may find the way to love, penance and reconciliation with God and with their neighbours.
Then we will be able to sing together and with one heart the triumph of your maternal mercy. AMEN.

Let us recite ONE DECADE of the Rosary
keeping in our prayers those who have specially asked us to remember them.
“… We trust Most Blessed Mother to your gentle care and intercession,
________________________________(mention your special intention)
and all those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. 
After the decade follow by three invocations
“O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to you”

Immaculate Virgin, on this third day, with you I praise Our Lord Jesus, because he had the initiative, because “he loved us first”.


The first motivation to evangelize is the love of Jesus that we have received, the experience of being saved by him that drives us to love him more and more.

But, what is this love that does not feel the need to talk about our loved one, to show it, to make it known?

If we do not feel the intense desire to communicate it, it is necessary to take time to ask Jesus in prayer that He comes to seduce us.

We need to beg every day, ask for His grace so that He opens our cold heart and shakes our warm and superficial life.

Placed before him, his heart opens, allowing us to contemplate through him, we recognize that look of love that Nathanael discovered, the day Jesus was present and said to him:

“When you were under the fig tree, I saw you” (Jn 1:48).

How sweet it is to be in front of a crucifix, or on your knees before the Blessed Sacrament, and simply be under one’s gaze!

How good it is that he comes to touch our existence and pushes us to communicate his new life!

Therefore, what ultimately happens is that “what we have seen and heard, we announce” (1 Jn 1: 3).

The best motivation for deciding to communicate the gospel is to contemplate it with love, linger in its pages and read it with the heart. If we approach it in this way, its beauty surprises us, and seduces us every time.

Therefore, it is urgent to find a contemplative spirit, which allows us to rediscover each day that we are the repositories of a good that humanizes, that helps to lead a new life.

There is nothing better to pass on to others.

Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel 264

Day FOUR : Mercy to the World. 

Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Queen of Angels and Saints,
Mediatrix of all graces,
We find refuge and protection in your Immaculate Heart,
Because You are our mother.
Grant we beseech you that, as you have promised to the three shepherds children at Fatima,
We may be able to offer our lives every day for the salvation of sinners.
May your maternal love touch the hearts who have been hardened by sin,
so that all men, saved by the Blood of your Son on the cross,

may find the way to love, penance and reconciliation with God and with their neighbours.
Then we will be able to sing together and with one heart the triumph of your maternal mercy. AMEN.

Let us recite ONE DECADE of the Rosary

keeping in our prayers those who have specially asked us to remember them.
“… We trust Most Blessed Mother to your gentle care and intercession,

________________________________(mention your special intention)

and all those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. 
After the decade follow by three invocations
“O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to you”

Immaculate Virgin, on this fourth day I ask the grace to participate in your maternity for the multitude of men, especially those who are the furthest from God due to egoism and pride.


The Church is truly a mother, Our mother is the Church – it’s beautiful to call her that: Our mother, the Church – a mother who gives us life in Christ and who makes us live with all of our other brothers in the communion of the Holy Spirit.

In its maternity, the Church takes as model the Virgin Mary, the most beautiful and the highest model that can exist.

The birth of Jesus in the womb of Mary, in fact, is the prelude to the birth of every Christian in the bosom of the Church, from the moment when Christ, the eldest of a multitude of brothers (cf. Rom 8:29) and our first brother Jesus was born of Mary, he is the model and we are all born in the Church.

The Church is our mother because she engendered us in baptism. Every time we baptise a child, he becomes a son of the Church, he enters the Church. And from that day, as a caring mother, she makes this child grow in faith and tells him, with the strength of the Word of God, the way of salvation, defending him from evil.

The Church has received from Jesus the precious treasure of the gospel not to keep it for herself, but to give it generously to others, as a mother does. In this service of evangelization, the motherhood of the Church stays committed, like a mother, to offer to her children the spiritual nourishment that nourishes and makes fruitful the Christian life which is particularly manifest.

The Church has the courage of a mother who knows that she must defend her children from the dangers that come from Satan’s presence in the world, to lead them to meet Jesus. A mother always defends her children. This defense also consists in exhorting vigilance: watch over the deception and seduction of the evil one. Because even though God has conquered Satan, he is always coming back with his temptations; we know it, we are all tempted, we have been tempted and we are tempted. Satan comes “like a roaring lion” (1 Pet 5: 8), says the Apostle Peter, and it is up to us not to be ingenuous, but to watch and remain steadfast in faith. Resist with the advice of the Mother Church, resist with the help of Mother Church who, like a good mother, always accompanies her children in difficult times.

Let us then entrust ourselves to Mary so that, as the mother of our elder brother, Jesus, she teaches us to have her same maternal spirit towards our brothers, with the sincere capacity to welcome, to forgive, to give strength and instill confidence and hope. That’s what a mom does.

             Pope Francis September 3, 2014


Day FIVE : Mercy to the World.

Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Queen of Angels and Saints,
Mediatrix of all graces,
We find refuge and protection in your Immaculate Heart,
Because You are our mother.
Grant we beseech you that, as you have promised to the three shepherds children at Fatima,
We may be able to offer our lives every day for the salvation of sinners.
May your maternal love touch the hearts who have been hardened by sin,
so that all men, saved by the Blood of your Son on the cross,

may find the way to love, penance and reconciliation with God and with their neighbours.
Then we will be able to sing together and with one heart the triumph of your maternal mercy. AMEN.

Let us recite ONE DECADE of the Rosary

keeping in our prayers those who have specially asked us to remember them.
“… We trust Most Blessed Mother to your gentle care and intercession,

________________________________(mention your special intention)

and all those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. 
After the decade follow by three invocations
“O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to you”

Immaculate Virgin, on this fifth day, with you, I implore the Lord to manifest himself to all men, for He is the only good, The Precious Pearl for which it is worthwhile to sell everything, Eternal life.

Meditation of the day:
Let us go out,
let us go out to offer to all – the life of Jesus Christ.
I prefer a hilly, wounded and dirty Church to be out by the ways, rather than a Church sick of closure and comforted by clinging to its own safety.
I do not want a church preoccupied with being the center and ending up locked in a tangle of fixations and procedures.
If anything is to be of concern and concern to our conscience, it is because so many of our brothers live without the strength, the light, and the consolation of the friendship of Jesus Christ, without a community of faith that welcomes them, without horizon of meaning and life.
More than the fear of being mistaken, I hope that we animate the fear of confining ourselves in the structures that give us a false protection, in the norms that transform us into implacable judges, in the habits where we feel tranquil, whereas, outside, there is a hungry multitude, and Jesus who repeats to us incessantly, “Give them yourselves to eat” (Mk 6:37).
– Pope Francis, “The joy of the gospel 49”.

Day SIX : Mercy to the World.

Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Queen of Angels and Saints,
Mediatrix of all graces,
We find refuge and protection in your Immaculate Heart,
Because You are our mother.
Grant we beseech you that, as you have promised to the three shepherds children at Fatima,
We may be able to offer our lives every day for the salvation of sinners.
May your maternal love touch the hearts who have been hardened by sin,
so that all men, saved by the Blood of your Son on the cross,

may find the way to love, penance and reconciliation with God and with their neighbours.
Then we will be able to sing together and with one heart the triumph of your maternal mercy. AMEN.

Let us recite ONE DECADE of the Rosary

keeping in our prayers those who have specially asked us to remember them.
“… We trust Most Blessed Mother to your gentle care and intercession,

________________________________(mention your special intention)

and all those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. 
After the decade follow by three invocations

“O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to you”

O Immaculate Virgin, on this sixth day, I entrust to you men who are tired or desperate by wounds to love, and with you, I implore the Lord for the conversion and reconciliation of men.


The Risen Lord, appearing for the first time to his people, saying: “Receive the Holy Spirit. To whom you will forgive your sins, they will be forgiven “(Jn 20: 22-23).

Jesus does not condemn his people, who abandoned him and denied him during His passion, but He gives them the Spirit of forgiveness.

The Spirit is the first gift of the Risen One and is given above all to forgive sins.

This is the beginning of the Church, here is the glue that holds us together, the cement that unites the bricks of the house:


For, forgiveness is the highest gift, it is the greatest love, the one that keeps united despite everything, that prevents collapse, that strengthens and consolidates.

Forgiveness frees the heart and allows us to begin again:

forgiveness gives hope;

without forgiveness the Church can not be built

The Spirit of forgiveness, which resolves everything in concord, impels us to refuse other ways: the hasty ones of the judge, the dead ends of the one who closes every door, the one-way street of the critic of others .

On the contrary, the Spirit exhorts us to walk the two-way path of forgiveness received and forgiveness given, of the divine mercy that makes love of neighbor, of charity as “the sole criterion according to which everything must be done or not. not be made, changed or not changed “.

Let us ask the grace to make the face of our mother the Church always more beautiful by renewing ourselves with forgiveness and correcting ourselves, only then will we be able to correct others in charity. “

Pope Francis, 4 June 2017


Day SEVEN : Mercy to the World.

Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Queen of Angels and Saints,
Mediatrix of all graces,
We find refuge and protection in your Immaculate Heart,
Because You are our mother.
Grant we beseech you that, as you have promised to the three shepherds children at Fatima,
We may be able to offer our lives every day for the salvation of sinners.
May your maternal love touch the hearts who have been hardened by sin,
so that all men, saved by the Blood of your Son on the cross,

may find the way to love, penance and reconciliation with God and with their neighbours.
Then we will be able to sing together and with one heart the triumph of your maternal mercy. AMEN.

Let us recite ONE DECADE of the Rosary

keeping in our prayers those who have specially asked us to remember them.
“… We trust Most Blessed Mother to your gentle care and intercession,

________________________________(mention your special intention)

and all those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. 
After the decade follow by three invocations

“O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to you”

O Immaculate Virgin, on this SEVENTH day, I stand with you at the feet of Jesus Crucified, offering myself totally for the sake of the redemption of all men in the Church.

Reflection of the Day
So the prayer we make to the Holy Spirit is for the grace to receive his unity, a glance that, leaving personal preferences aside, embraces and loves his Church, our Church.
It is to accept responsibility for unity among all, to wipe out the gossip that sows the darnel of discord and the poison of envy, since to be men and women of the Church means being men and women of communion.
It is also to ask for a heart that feels that the Church is our Mother and our home, an open and welcoming home where the manifold joy of the Holy Spirit is shared.-
Pope Francis’ Homily 4th June 2017


Day EIGHT : Mercy to the World.

Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Queen of Angels and Saints,
Mediatrix of all graces,
We find refuge and protection in your Immaculate Heart,
Because You are our mother.
Grant we beseech you that, as you have promised to the three shepherds children at Fatima,
We may be able to offer our lives every day for the salvation of sinners.
May your maternal love touch the hearts who have been hardened by sin,
so that all men, saved by the Blood of your Son on the cross,

may find the way to love, penance and reconciliation with God and with their neighbours.
Then we will be able to sing together and with one heart the triumph of your maternal mercy. AMEN.

Let us recite ONE DECADE of the Rosary

keeping in our prayers those who have specially asked us to remember them.
“… We trust Most Blessed Mother to your gentle care and intercession,

________________________________(mention your special intention)

and all those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. 
After the decade follow by three invocations

“O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to you”

O Immaculate Virgin, on this EIGHT day, I ask you for the grace of being touched by the passion and resurrection of Christ until the pain of the least of my brothers and I find a new zeal for the proclamation of the gospel.

Meditation of the day:

Brothers and sisters, remember: worship God the Lord; that’s the foundation!

To worship God. Seek holiness in the new life of the Holy Spirit.

Be the dispensers of God’s grace.

Avoid the danger of excessive organization.

Go out into the streets to evangelize, proclaiming the gospel.

Remember that the Church was born ” out ” on the morning of Pentecost.

Get close to the poor and touch in their flesh the wounded flesh of Jesus.

Be guided by the Holy Spirit with this freedom; and, please, do not imprison the Holy Ghost! With freedom!

Pope Francis, 1st June 2014


Day NINE : Mercy to the World.

Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Queen of Angels and Saints,
Mediatrix of all graces,
We find refuge and protection in your Immaculate Heart,
Because You are our mother.
Grant we beseech you that, as you have promised to the three shepherds children at Fatima,
We may be able to offer our lives every day for the salvation of sinners.
May your maternal love touch the hearts who have been hardened by sin,
so that all men, saved by the Blood of your Son on the cross,

may find the way to love, penance and reconciliation with God and with their neighbours.
Then we will be able to sing together and with one heart the triumph of your maternal mercy. AMEN.

Let us recite ONE DECADE of the Rosary

keeping in our prayers those who have specially asked us to remember them.
“… We trust Most Blessed Mother to your gentle care and intercession,

________________________________(mention your special intention)

and all those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. 
After the decade follow by three invocations

“O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to you”

O Immaculate Virgin, on this NINTH day, I ask you for the victory of Christ in our sinful hearts, and the triumph of your immaculate heart!

Meditation of the day:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for walking with us through this journey and we continue to pray for each other specially those who we love,

who are sick, lost and hurt… Hail Mary x 10 …

The message of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary can be summed up in these words:

EVERYTHING is a free gift from God,

EVERYTHING is grace,

EVERYTHING is a gift out of His love for us. 
The Angel Gabriel calls Mary “full of grace” (Lk 1:28): in her there is no room for sin, because God chose her from eternity to be the mother of Jesus and preserved her from original sin…
…Not one of us can buy salvation! Salvation is a free gift of the Lord, a free gift of God that comes within us and dwells in us. As we have received freely, so are we called to give freely (Mt 10:8); imitating Mary, who, immediately upon receiving the Angel’s announcement, went to share the gift of her fruitfulness with her relative Elizabeth.
Because if everything has been given to us, then everything must be passed on.
HOW? By allowing that the Holy Spirit make of us a gift for others. The Spirit is a gift for us and we, by the power of the Spirit, must be a gift for others and allow the Holy Spirit to turn us into instruments of acceptance, instruments of reconciliation, instruments of forgiveness…..
Let us learn from Mary, who kept her gaze, constantly fixed on the Son and her face became “the face that looked most like Christ’s”.

And to her let us now turn with the prayer that recalls the annunciation of the Angel…

Pope Francis -8 Dec 2014

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